restore something to someone câu
apologize to someone for something
to apologize to (someone) for somethingApologize to someone for something (xin lỗi ai về việc gì đó) ce if you want to apologize to som...

assist someone in doing something
To Aid and Abet: to encourage or assist someone in doing something wrong or illegal.Aid and abet: Khuyến khích hoặc giúp đỡ ai trong mộ...

bother someone with something
to bother someone with somethingto bother someone with something làm phiền ai vì một chuyện gì to bother someone with somethingto bothe...

congratulate someone on something
“We may fail to say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a complime...

disagree with someone on something
I don't care if *anybody* disagrees with me on disagree with someone on something — không đồng ý với ai về cái gì

hand something over to someone
The exception is when you use both hands to hand something over to someone; this is considered a high compliment.Trường hợp ngoại lệ là...

offer someone something
If you want to offer someone something to drink, you could say:Để hỏi ai đó muốn uống gì, bé hãy nói: If you offer someone something, ...

persuade someone of something
Argument means to persuade someone of something with reasoning.Lập luận có nghĩa là thuyết phục ai đó bằng lý luận. is an attempt to p...

promise something to someone
Easy is to promise something to someone..🌟Dễ là khi hứa một điều với ai đó...Nhưng Easy is to promise something to someone..Dễ là khi...

prompt someone to do something
The imperative mood in English is generally used to give an order, to prompt someone to do something, to give a warning or to give inst...

provide someone with something
Provide someone with something of value before you ask them for a favour, whether it’s an informational interview or a request to pass ...

rally someone on something
Hanging On To What Others Ridiculeto rally someone on something chế giễu ai về cái gì

tell someone something
You tell someone something or you say something to somebody.Bạn có thể dùng say something hoặc say something to somebody You tell some...

urge someone to do something
Used in speech to urge someone to do somethingUsed in speech to urge someone to do something: hối thúc (sử dụng trong văn nói) Used in ...

prohibit someone from doing something
The verb “forbid” means to prohibit someone from doing something.Động từ “forbid” có nghĩa là cấm ai làm gì. We can use May not to NOT...

ram something down someone's throat
“Don’t tread on me” is exactly, precisely, ramming something down someone’s throatcâi lý đến cùng; cố gắng thuyết phục !to ram something...

We will restore the name of our masterChúng ta sẽ gây dựng lại tên của chủ nhân chúng ta Restore propulsion as soon as possible...

file restore
Microsoft adds file restore to OneDrive for BusinessMicrosoft ra mắt tính năng Files Restore cho OneDrive for Business The File Restor...

restore defaults
Use the Shuffle button to reset everything to the default state.Hay nhấn Restore Defaults để thiết lập mọi thứ quay lại trạng thại mặc đ...

restore icon
Select your files and tap the Restore icon.Chọn file và chạm vào icon Restore Now I have two options, I can either restore the individ...

restore peace
Would you like to restore peace to your family?Bạn có muốn tự lắp đặt điều hòa cho gia đình mình? We are fighting them in order to res...

restore to normal
When you leave tomorrow, my routine will restore to normalNgày mai cô đi và tôi sẽ trở về cuộc sống bình thường. When will the pig rai...

system restore
Nếu bạn đang chạy Windows Me hoặc XP, tắt System Restore. Khả năng này tương tự như Microsoft Windows System Restore. Tại cửa sổ System ...

There is something down there. I will bring it back for science!Có thứ gì đó đằng kia Tôi sẽ mang nó về nghiên cứu! So, does this mean...

It is also possible to say: like (something/somebody) doing somethingBạn cũng có thể nói "like (somebody / something) doing something": ...